Roundtable: Leading Yourself


In your lifelong journey of following God, one of your most important practices is LEADING YOURSELF. Our theme verse is Ephesians 4:1: “I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” Our personal translation: “Don’t miss this key! At every step of your life journey, learn to actively lead yourself based on who God is calling you to be.” At each small group meeting, we’ll watch an episode of The Craig Groeschel Leadership Podcast (or similar content of about 20 min), then use a reflection guide to discuss as a group. The central question each week is: Based on this week’s self-leadership content, and based on who I feel God calling me to be, what is my next faithful step? The podcast topics will include things like making decisions, forming habits, building discipline, etc., all in relation to leading ourselves around the vision of God’s call on our lives.

Group Details:

Meeting Day(s) Wednesday
Time 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Meeting Frequency Weeks 1 & 3
Meeting Location Cliffdale
Childcare Yes
Gender COED
Group Leader(s) David and Brittany Choi
Requirements None

Work Entry

Interest Form:

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Email the group leader by filling out this form.

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Let the leader know by filling out this form—one per person interested.

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