Fishers of Men

Bible Study, Book Study, Community

A "call to discipleship”, is one of the key facets of this group. Men initiate acts of service, specifically in the area of winning others to follow Christ. In Fishers of Men, we will compare how the act of fishing correlates to the great commission that Jesus called us to be His witnesses. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus uses the example of fishing in His initial call to discipleship. Fellowship with one another and Bible study helps us become stronger men, brothers, husbands, and leaders. Using that principle, we can share our life experiences with each other on how to be effective disciples. Using the right environment, right time, and right approach helps us in our act of fishing. Maintaining healthy habits and encouraging one another are useful in the development of good fishermen. Ultimately we will be able to take our expertise and share with others as we participate in the act of fishing on a few area sites such as Smith Lake, Texas Pond, and Lake Rim. We will also use the book “Fishers of Men” by Gerald McDaniel which can be purchased on Amazon or Walmart online. The ISBN is 1664231374 or  978-1664231375.

Group Details:

Meeting Day(s) Tuesday
Time 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
Meeting Frequency Weekly
Meeting Location 3611 Ramsey St
Childcare No
Gender Male
Group Leader(s) Anthony S. Matthews
Requirements Bible and the book Fishers of Men by Gerald

Work Entry

Interest Form:

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Email the group leader by filling out this form.

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Let the leader know by filling out this form—one per person interested.

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