"Lights Camera Action" Theatrical Stage Production
Lights Camera Action is a small group, in which we believe, you are made on purpose for a purpose. Our small group is made up of all walks of life with very different backgrounds. We truly believe our differences make us grow stronger. We wanted to encourage our you to be a part of our theatrical team. Which consist of actors, singers, audio visual, stage hands, light techs, prop builders writers , stage directors and behind the scene Techs. We can learn from each other. Our goal is to make it hard for a person in our group to go to hell. We want to let the devil know we are not coming. We will fulfill our destiny in God by staying connected in our small group.
“No experience needed!!! Just a willing heart. “. All ages are welcome
Our leader, Glenn Sutton, comes with his Godly excitement, enthusiasm, and leadership vision, involving all walks of life in their theatrical plays. In productions, Godly relationships are formed forever.