God Never Gives Up On You

Book Study

Do you struggle in your Christian walk at times or feel that your halo has tilted a bit when you continue to stumble? Do you ever think, "How can God possibly use someone like me?" Well then, I have great news for you! This fall we will be learning about God's relentless and unswerving pursuit of the flawed patriarch Jacob. God accomplishes His perfect plans through imperfect people. God never gave up on Jacob and God never gives up on you and me. What a cause for celebration! This fall we will watch and discuss the video series by Max Lucado, "God Never Gives Up On You."

Group Details:

Meeting Day(s) Tuesday
Time 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Meeting Frequency
Meeting Location Ramsey
Childcare No
Gender Co-Ed
Group Leader(s) Cheryl and Danny McCandless
Requirements None at this time

Work Entry

Interest Form:

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