School of the Holy Spirit (Virtual)
Bible Study, Online
Meets on 2nd Fridays. This small group will operate virtually (remotely) on Zoom. If you are hungry and thirsty for a greater manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your life, then this group if for you. This is primarily a teaching group, but will also involve some Bible study. Teaching notes will be shared with members so they can prepare ahead of time and be ready to make contributions and ask pertinent questions. We will delve into Scriptures to examine the person, nature and works of the third Person of the Trinity: His nature and place in the Trinity and His role and function in the body of Christ, His Church. Questions we'll try to answer are: Who is the Holy Spirit? What's the baptism or infilling of the Holy Spirit? What are the gifts of the Spirit? What's the difference between the INDWELLING of the Holy Spirit and the BAPTISM or INFILLING of the Holy Spirit? What's the distinction between the FRUIT and GIFTS of the Spirit? We'll explore His role in the Early Church in particular, and in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Each session will begin and end with prayer for an increase in the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in our lives, our Church, and in the Body of Christ as a whole.
We meet every 2nd Friday.