Vision Board
Have a vision write it down. Habakkuk 2:2 And the Lord answered me "Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he run who reads it. Writing a vision can be a fun activity to do where you may feel that you might have a thought of only wishful thinking desires that may just linger in the back of your mind for a while and thinking that it is just impossible to achieve, and you won't pursue it before and now it is your time. Most people are not lacking in motivation to do things however they are unclear how to get there or follow through with their plan. About ninety three percent of the new year's resolutions were unable to be achieved and only seven percent did it by the end of the year. As matter fact, just within a week after a resolution were made 30 percent iare already out of the drain. In this group, we have scheduled monthly follow up meetings where it is important to track how the group is doing so far. Together we evaluate our progress and what areas that need to improve. The group will number each one of their items of accomplishments from one is the lowest number of progress and ten is the highest. If they are not satisfied with their progress then we are discussing a way of how to improve it. I believe this is a very effective way of accountability and can be successful during planning goals.Very few people will do their vision and many people need help with direction, clarity and accountability. When we have accountability to make a vision board and carry out that vision we know we are not alone.