From This Day Forward


From This Day Forward is a small group for single women (single biblically means, not married) who have a desire for marriage. This group will help women to prepare for their 2 by chasing after their 1. It will go into marriage in it's fullness and take away the social media version of marriage and help women understand what a godly marriage is and isn't. The heart of marriage the way God created it and how to prepare for it.

Group Details:

Meeting Day(s)
Time 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Meeting Frequency Weekly
Meeting Location ClassRoom C
Group Leader(s) Dee Bowie & Michelle Klinglesmith
Requirements Single (not married) and female

Work Entry

Interest Form:

Need additional information?
Email the group leader by filling out this form.

Want to join this group?
Let the leader know by filling out this form—one per person interested.

First Name

Last Name



Contact Preference
